EM.30 “Experimental Modules”

Architects: Nicolás Sánchez Year: 2021

Location: Av. Rep. del Salvador y Av. Shyris, Quiti, Ecuador

Students Author(s): Nicolás Sánchez

Instagram: @ns_nicolas_sanchez

University: Central University of Ecuador / Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning (FAU-UCE)

Degree/Carrer: Sixth Semester – Architecture

Software: Hand- Drawing





The project questions the current way of conceiving social interest spaces in the city of Quito, where social interest housing is displaced to the extremes, as a way of exclusion.






In this way, it takes up the current centralities of the city, in order to recycle empty spaces, in which housing units can be placed that can cope with the growing demand for housing and that responds in a conscious way to the needs of displacement and current services.




The project develops a way of conceiving space as a representation of what is necessary in a recycled space, seeking construction systems and means to incorporate reinterpreted spaces subject to the occupation of the user and the city.





Architecture must generate the city. The architecture is thought as a transformation of the program to a totally public environment, this being located in the center of city development, must integrate the influx of the urban with the characteristics of a housing project, understanding this is thought in the separation of functions that frees the space on the first floor to put in tension the coexistence between the center of the city, urban life and the project.







In this sense, the architecture is configured by linking the constructive elements and, in turn, allowing the public and private life of the architecture, allowing it to be a space that can be cross. In this way, a public space with deep interaction between people is returned to the city.


The housing modules were designed with the intention of the necessary, minimal and reinterpretable spaces that can accommodate the occupation of users, solving problems and housing needs from the architecture, where each element is designed as functional and there aren’t additions.





In this way each module can be dismembered into parts in which it is possible to understand the different adaptations and responses that the architecture takes when solving the project, understanding the context and the criticality of the site to obtain the integrality of spaces that can be linked to a thoughtful and not generic architecture.






In this way it is possible to understand the basic components of these adaptations: structure, circulation, functions and facilities.




Superposition and juxtaposition. Drawing the different fragments, various forms of adaptations are proposed, which contribute to the generation of ideas to the project, these by integrating them are emerging coincidences and tangencies that link the project with each other.


The fact of occupying has to do with the way of seeing architecture as a response to what is necessary, this is linked to a way of generating community through the meeting points and routes that cross the project, these in turn are channels that link the exterior with the interior and direct all the functional elements of the occupations to the supply points, in this way the clear structure, limits and configures the spaces generating the perception of the building, which integrates a way of generating tangencies between the public, the urban and the action of the occupation.





Conceptually, the project corresponds to the spatiality through the adoption of the modular construction system, where forms of functional distributions are explored and that respond to what is necessary.


The project process that follows the construction system, looks for a way in which the component elements that integrate the structure can be separated from the habitable module, thus achieving a containing architecture.





Module content and containing structure. Through the detachment of the module, it allows the integration of functional installation systems fulfilling the role of managing and stripping, these in turn are determined by the modular coordination of both structural and materials, to get a structure that is subject to the functional mutation given by the fact of the occupation.




The urban through architecture, the occupation on pillars, the superposition of the habitable, the containing structure, the circulation ducts, the fragmentations between components, these establish the juxtaposition and the analysis of segmentations as the object of the project, an architecture that responds to the environment, its needs and is open to reinterpretation.








In the interior, the legibility of the functional corresponds to the modular order of the objects, each one responds to the need to habit the space, these in turn are arranged in such a way that the structure is visible to the interior and exterior, thus fragmenting, directing and ordering the interior space for its occupation.







The impression and pressure of the architecture on the urban corresponds to a dismountable and movable architecture, it accommodates the generation of interaction with the environment, it isn’t an isolated element of the context because the architecture itself has created the context in an absent way.





The isolation of different pieces allows to recognize a spatial and tectonic configuration that develops independently, getting to recognize each piece separately without losing its close relationship with the totality of the architecture, in this way each fragment acquires identity until exhausting all the possibilities of each part.


In this plane the fragments, the decisions, the isolation of the elements from the others, the separation of the components and the juxtaposition, that begins to generate the architecture become evident.